What is ANDY's cancellation policy ?

  1. Overview
  2. Changes & Cancellations
  3. What is ANDY's cancellation policy ?

At ANDY, we understand that sometimes your plans may change, and you may need to cancel your booking. Don't worry; we've got you covered!

Our cancellation policy is designed to be as flexible as possible while still ensuring that we can continue providing our services at the highest level. If you need to cancel your booking, you can do so for FREEand we'll only keep the transaction fees.

  • If you need to cancel between 24 and 8 hours before your scheduled trip, we'll apply a penalty of 50%.
  • In case of a last-minute cancellation, less than 8 hours before your trip starts or in the event of a no-show, we'll apply a 100% penalty. We hope you never need to cancel your booking, but if you do, we're here to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible.‍

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