How long will driver wait for me ?

  1. Overview
  2. Booking & Transfers
  3. How long will driver wait for me ?

We know that sometimes things can take longer than expected, and that's why we offer a waiting time for all orders where pickup isn't at the airport.

From the airport

If your pickup is at the airport, we allow a more generous waiting time of 60 minutes. We know that airports can be busy and that flights can be delayed, and we don't want you to worry about missing your ride.

From any other places

For these orders, we allow a waiting time of 15 minutes, so you have enough time to get ready and make your way to the pickup point.

At ANDY, we're committed to making your journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible, and we hope that our waiting times help you feel confident and relaxed as you travel to your destination.

Arriving from the airport, we monitor your flight using its flight number, allowing us to adapt the pickup time of the drivers accordingly. Therefore, it is crucial that you provide the correct flight number to ensure timely and efficient service.

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